About me

I'm Annie Rigby from Rexburg,Idaho! My major is Marriage and Family Studies at BYU-Idaho. I'm 21 years old and a Junior. I love music, country dancing, and spending time with my family and friends. I love to hike, play tennis, ride bikes, and watch hallmark movies; where everything has a happy ending. I will be sharing what I learn and impressions I gain while taking Marriage-Family 300! This class will be covering important topics relating to the family. This is my first blog and I'm not a writer, so be kind.

Sunday, September 25, 2016

First Kiss, The Context of Intimacy

Sometimes, its just that first kiss that sets a lifetime of love, in motion. At least that was the case with my grandparents. In this chapter it asked the question to consider the most colorful story in our family and what we can learn from it. My Grandpa Ray Wendell Rigby is now 93 years old and still tells the story of meeting the love of his life, Lola Jean Cook. I love that her middle name is my middle name. Lola worked as a movie ticket girl at the Paramount Theatre in Idaho Falls, Idaho. That is where Grandpa Ray saw her for the first time. Ray Rigby was a country farm boy from Hibbard near Rexburg. Picture in your mind two boys on a double date with two beautiful girls. My Grandpa Ray was in the back seat of the car with his date, which was not Lola. In fact Lola was in the front seat on a date with Wilford Anderson, my Grandpa's best friend. Ray was pretty smooth and handsome. I actually can't believe that his tactic worked, but it did that night. My Grandpa Ray said to Wilford and Lola, "You know my date had to leave early and I didn't even get a goodnight kiss. Wilford, do you think that it would be alright if Lola would give me a kiss goodnight? Wilford didn't have time to say yes or no because Lola turned around and leaned over the seat and gave my Grandpa a goodnight kiss. My Grandpa Rigby tells how that was the beginning of their love story and the only girl he wanted to kiss forever. They married in the Logan Temple before he went off to be a pilot in the Air Force, when Pearl Harbor was bombed by Japan. They raised a family of seven children including my father. One thing that I took from this chapter is that there is great strength and benefits of marriage and family. As I reflect on my grandparents love story I realize that their marriage was lasting and satisfying because they worked at it. They loved the Lord and served one another. 

The context of intimacy in this first chapter was very enlightening. There is one part under the title well being and Intimacy by Carolyn Cutrona who said quote, "All people in all societies are driven to make intimate connections with others." I'm just glad that my Grandpa Ray Rigby made an intimate connection with my Grandma Lola Jean on that first double date so many years ago. 
By Annie Jean Rigby 


  1. This is a treasured memory for all of us in the family! I'm so grateful you were able to write about it in your new blog! Years ago before you were born this experience was played out as a camp skit at a Rigby Family Reunion by Ray's oldest Grandkids. It will be enjoyable to continue following your blog for this class you're taking. Love, mom

  2. What a great love story! I love your Grandparents! Your grandpa gave me my patriarchal blessing and will always have a special place in my heart

  3. Such a sweet story and beautifully written Annie!

  4. The funniest part of this story is that Wilford Anderson is actually Mark's great uncle. Crazy, right? I think my dad is a stud for seeing this amazing girl (my mom) and having the courage to "steal" her away from his friend.

  5. Beverly Rigby Boyle
    Oh, how I enjoyed reading this story!! Annie, you truly wrote this story so accurately it sounds like Dad telling it himself! Thank you for remembering it so well and recording this on your blog.

  6. Annie that is such a cute story! Thanks for sharing it!

  7. Great story Annie. I like this story because Grandpa Ray followed his heart and he was willing to take a risk. We don't know if something is possible until we try...if we try it just might work out better than expected!!!
